Early Groton Industries: 2014 Ramble

July 15, 2014 @ 7:00 pm
Boutwell House
172 Main Street
Groton, MA 01450
Groton Historical Society

On Tuesday, July 15, the Groton Historical Society will sponsor a talk and trip exploring facets of Groton’s past. Archeologist Marty Dudek will speak on Smoke-Out on Smoke Hill and More: Early Industry in Groton at the Groton Historical Society’s headquarters at Boutwell House at 172 Main Street in Groton at 7 pm. His illustrated talk will highlight charcoaling, potash production, the bog iron industry, tanneries, and include briefly saw mills and the soapstone quarry. Maps for individual rambling will be provided.

Mr. Dudek is the senior project manager and principal archeologist at John Milner Associates, historic preservation and cultural resources management firm. Marty received his master’s degree in anthropology from Brandeis University with special interest in historic archeology of the northeastern United States, especially nineteenth-century consumer behavior in New England. Key projects include five data recoveries for the Central Artery/Tunnel project in Boston. His 2012 tour of the Groton soapstone quarry established Mr. Dudek as a popular and knowledgeable speaker on Groton history.

After his talk, participants are invited to carpool to the Job Shattuck House for a tour of its early architectural details from its owner, and to enjoy Tom Callahan’s traditional and delicious homemade ice cream. Directions and address information will be given that evening. Thanks to a grant from the Commissioners of Trust Funds, this program is free and open to the public.

For more information, go to GrotonHistoricalSociety.org or call 978-448-0092.